Activities / “Built heritage – stimulus of the community” – training
Between 21 and 23 January 2010, the Transylvania Trust Foundation organized the “Built heritage – stimulus of the community” training. The aim of this event was awareness building for local authorities, governing bodies, NGO’s, church delegates and historic building owners, regarding the importance of the protection and the effective use of the built heritage.
The first day of this training – organized at Cluj County Council office – started with a presentation of Council’s projects relating to built heritage, followed by built heritage valorization case studies from Romanian and foreign specialists. The 49 participants of this training had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with Cluj County’s built heritage and with European and national financial programs related to the rehabilitation of cultural heritage, and also were shown examples of good practice. At the same time they were made aware of the importance of built heritage in sustainable regional development.
The Bontida Mayor’s office hosted the second day. Experts from the Ministry of Culture and National Patrimony, and the specialists of project’s founding organs presented the jurisdiction and founding possibilities related to built heritage. The visit to Bánffy Castle at Bontida and the meeting and debate with the leaders of the Castle’s revitalization program represented the end of the training. One of the results of this training was the publication of the presentations and case studies – with the help of the trainers – as a Guide in Romanian and Hungarian languages: Valorificarea patrimoniului cultural ca factor de dezvoltare educaţional, cultural, social şi economic în folosul comunităţii – A kulturális örökség hozzájárulása a helyi közösség oktatási, kulturális, társadalmi és gazdasági fejlődéséhez.