Transylvania Trust


CO-VISION is a collaborative initiative focused on mapping and safeguarding Europe’s natural heritage while addressing the pressing issues of climate change.

By employing a cultural participatory strategy, the project aims to engage citizens in co-creating and co-producing cultural contents for an EU Artistic Digital Archive. This archive will serve as a repository for multimedia materials, including maps, interviews, texts, and artistic digital creations, highlighting the current health status of Europe’s natural heritage. The project operates through a consortium comprising 12 entities, including festivals, cultural organisations, universities, research centres, and communication specialists. Additionally, 20 local Associated Partners are involved, enhancing community engagement and facilitating dialogue with diverse target groups across Europe.

CO-VISION’s activities involve local debates, serving as crucial forums for artists, citizens and stakeholders to exchange ideas and insights about local natural heritage. These debates provide valuable inputs for the creation of multimedia content, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness in conveying the message of environmental conservation. The culmination of CO-VISION’s efforts is evident in its content exhibitions, professional panels and public discussions held during 16 festivals and cultural events across Europe. These events serve as platforms for showcasing the project’s achievements, fostering cross-sectoral collaboration, and promoting dialogue between local communities, international artists and EU stakeholders. Through cultural participation, digital storytelling and community engagement, the project endeavours to instil a sense of responsibility and collective action towards building a sustainable future for generations to come.


The project is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.
