Development of Cultural Ecotourism on the territory of GAL Someș Transilvan
The Transilvania Trust Foundation is the coordinator of the project “Development of Cultural Ecotourism on the territory of GAL Someș Transilvan” which will be implemented from December 2018 to September 2020, and it is co-financed by the Leader Program of the European Union.
The aim of the project is to valorize the built and the natural heritage of the Somes valley region – GAL Someș Transilvan – through the development of local ecotourism, with the active involvement of local citizens/communities and the young specialists.
The activities of the project are:
- Consultation with local communities
- Creation of a regional database/inventory on built and natural heritage
- Monographic study based on the regional database / inventory
- Cycling and hiking routs, maps and mobile application
- Purchase of bicycles
- Study trips
Location: Bonțida, Sic, Vultureni, Borșa.
The project „ Development of Cultural Ecotourism on the territory of GAL Someș Transilvan” is supported by GAL Someș Transilvan, Leader Program, and Measure: M2/6B, National Rural Development Program Romania 2014-2020. The value of the financing: 28334 euro. Contract nr.: C 1920074C106861303760/19.12.2018. Beneficiary: Transilvania Trust Foundation.