Rimetea – tourist map
Tourist map / Location and setting
The village of Rimetea is situated within a narrow valley between the steep scarps of the Buru Pass and Cheile Aiudului and is located 25 to 30 km from Turda and Aiud. To the south, the stark crags of the 1128m high Coltii Trascãului (Piatra Secuiului, Szekler Rock) form a backdrop to the settlement. Towards the Aries Valley, to the north, mixed forests of pine and deciduous trees surround the 1250m high Ardoscheia.
Man-made terraces, that change colour with the seasons, provide the village’s immediate setting. The pasture land of the highest terraces forms a hinterland between the scarps and the inhabited valley. Towards the north-east, a network of paved roads at the bottom of the Coasta Tunsa leads to a number of old iron mines. Today, the entrances to the mines appear more like cave openings covered by vegetation.