Rimetea – tourist map
Tourist map / Gates, Fences and Plot Arrangement
Traditional entrance gates to a building’s plot are constructed from timber. The pedestrian gates have a combined vertical and horizontal boarded structure fixed with nails, decorated with wrought-iron hinges, latches, handles and doorknobs. Small gabled or hipped roofs that protect the gates are covered with shingles, tiles or more recently with metal sheeting. Carriage gates are made from vertical planks. The gaps are mostly covered with laths. The gates are hung on carved hardwood gateposts. A building’s date and/or initials of the builders are carved either on the gatepost or on the lintel of the gate-door. Gates of high status houses have tall stone frames decorated with carvings and plank or panelled doors. These are normally fitted with wrought-iron spring-latches. Both the Town Hall and cemetery have decorated wrought-iron gates.
Large-scale cross-barns enclose many of Rimetea’s yards and form continuous rows with adjacent barns. Ancillary structures, such as bake-houses, pantries, granaries or pig-sties are sited behind the house. Only small ancillary buildings face the houses and are occasionally built by the street. Some of these structures have public or commercial uses, e.g. butcher’s shop, grocery, post office or pub.